What do we want?

We want the GuriNgai group to stop falsely portraying themselves and their social group as  being Aboriginal People.

We want the GuriNgai group to stop practising their bizarre parody of genuine Aboriginal Culture.

We want these people to turn back their internal clocks to before they ‘discovered’ their mistaken associations with actual Aboriginal People. 

We began this whole process by politely asking their leadership to stop, and have continued to do so across a range of media, and diverse mediums.

I and my family have long been open to the possibility of a mediated transformative justice action with the people purporting to be GuriNgai.

Efforts were made to communicate with the leadership of this group, as well as GuriNgai members who initiated contact with me following the publication of A Long Con, Gone On Too Long, and guriNgai.org.

I believe the GuriNgai could be of benefit to the communities they are living in, if they simply cease pretending to be Aboriginal People, and cease centering themselves in Aboriginal affairs.


My family and I are interested in cultivating healing, accountability, resilience, and safety for all involved. 

Accountability requires the many mistakes made by the GuriNgai become recognised as errors and falsehoods, rather than perpetuated further. Specifically, we would like to see the GuriNgai leaders and membership:

  • Acknowledge the harm caused by their actions in their entirety,
  • Acknowledge their patterns of harmful behaviour,
  • Acknowledge that they have callously hurt many people, primarily Aboriginal People.
  • Contribute to transformative work to dismantle the systems which allowed this to go on.

While we continue to wait for the Authorities of this place to take action, I still have a tinge of hope that individual members of the GuriNgai group will wake up to themselves and take responsibility for all they have wrought upon the rest of us.


To the shrinking number of GuriNgai supporters, we’d like to say that we felt the shock, betrayal, confusion, and anger these revelations have brought up in you now. We hope that, like us, you will be able to channel this awareness into fuel for positive change in your communities, and within yourselves. You could still become a force for positive change in the world, but not while actively engaging in, and passionately supporting the genocide of Aboriginal People, Culture and being by the GuriNgai group’s leadership.

The sooner Aboriginal Identity Fraud is investigated and resolved, the sooner we can all benefit. The small outlay required  will inevitably return significant dividends financially, ethically and obviously politically, while saving the planet and sidestepping further colonisation.

We need enough people to ask for the right thing to be done; hoping things will sort themselves out is the same as doing nothing, which is the same as letting the GuriNgai continue to get away with their crimes and violations of Cultural and ethical lore and norms.


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