A Long Con, Gone on Too Long.

In 2001, a non-Aboriginal man invents a ‘tribe‘ based on guesswork and plagiarism.

In 2002, a local amateur historian begins repeating those same claims.

It’s now 2023 and those perpetuating this fiction are millions of dollars richer; profiting from stolen and fictional Culture, heritage, even our Ancestors.

Presented here for the first time is a record of what spawned from this falsehood, and just some of their many ventures into a range of industries, from local councils, to the arts, from entertainment to academia.

This group of 49 people claim to posses knowledge, reach and influence, none of which they can demonstrate, all based on the lies of a single, White bloke named Warren.

 It seems as if nothing will stop them, and nobody in any position of authority cares enough to bother, or they prefer the knock-offs; either way it hurts.

The following shows clear deception by Guringai Tribal Link‘s own L. Ron Hubbard(alike) Mr Warren Whitfield, Ms Tracey-Lee Howie and a slew of ne’er-do-wells outwardly presenting as community minded, Culturally informed Knowledge Holders when in reality they are nothing of the sort.

Demonstrating outright disregard for truth, zero accountability, and a racialised disdain for genuine Aboriginal People, Culture and Places; it seems certain these people will not stop misrepresenting themselves as “traditional bloodline custodians.”

Sadly this is a rare instance where you can very accurately judge a book by its cover.

For our Elders.


A note on the use on the term Pseudo-Aboriginal.

 Chapter 1. 2001- 2003

 Chapter 2. 2004 – 2006

 Chapter 3. 2007 – 2008

 Chapter 4. 2009 – 2012

 Chapter 5. 2013 – 2014

 Chapter 6. 2015 – 2016

 Chapter 7. 2017 – 2018.

 Chapter 8. 2019.

 Chapter 9. 2020.

 Chapter 10. 2021.

 Chapter 11. 2022.

 Chapter 12. 2023.

 Chapter 13. 2023 – Post publication of A Long Con Gone On Too Long.

 Chapter 14. Conclusion.

 Addendum. ANTHROPOLOGICAL CONNECTION REPORT: Family history and contemporary connection evidence.

Addendum. A new perspective on Laurence Paul Allen’s thesis.

Addendum. Dr Geoff Ford.

Addendum. Goolabeen – Saving Kariong ‘Sacred Lands’




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